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Awaken Your Potential with Kundalini Yoga

"You owe it to yourself to be yourself"

-Yogi Bhajan-

Heartful Yoga Basel offers weekly Kundalini Yoga: Onsite on Wednesdays and Fridays  (B Yoga Basel) and Online classes on Mondays.
Kundalini Yoga is like a triple shot of espresso for your soul! It's the yoga of awareness, so you can finally wake up and smell the roses. With postures, breathing, and meditation, you'll be feeling more balanced in no time. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned yogi, Kundalini Yoga will strengthen your nervous system and give you the energy to conquer the day!



Tonja Stiina Kaminen (Sundri Harnal Kaur)

Tonja first experienced yoga in her 20s, however, it wasn't until a soul-searching phase later on- and after sampling a buffet of yoga styles- that she discovered kundalini yoga and was instantly hooked. This practice resonated deeply with her, revealing transformative powers and unlocking the mysteries of the subtle body. 


After Tonja's beloved teacher moved away from her current hometown Basel, she embarked on her teacher training journey by completing her level 1 (200h) Kundalini Yoga teacher training in 2018 under the guidance of Prana Jio in Freiburg, Germany. Since then, she has shared these teachings in weekly classes in Basel, Switzerland.  Deepening her practice, Tonja expanded her knowledge with Yin Yoga teacher training at the Yoga Community Basel, followed by Kids Yoga teacher training  in 2020. She is on the verge of completing her 500-hour (L2) Kundalini Yoga Practitioner training, furthering her commitment to personal growth and enlightenment.​​​​​


As a Kundalini, Yin, and Kids Yoga expert, Tonja brings a unique perspective to her teachings. When she's not perfecting her meditation and yoga techniques, Tonja can be found exploring the great outdoors and managing her herbal magic garden. Hailing from Finland, Tonja deeply connects to nature and considers the forest her church. With her diverse interests and expertise, Tonja is the perfect guide to help you find your inner peace.​

Weekly Classes:

Yoga Child's Pose


Romulus, BRZ

"Kundalini yoga- and for me, that is inextricably linked to Tonja of course has been the greatest discovery of a path to follow for personal growth in recent years in my life. I'm truly grateful to the universe for leading me to meet Tonja. And I'd be extremely happy if anything I say in this regard might inspire others to seek this path and help themselves out as much as I did as a result". 

Sandra UK

"I've been practicing yoga with Tonja for many years. She is both calm and joyful in her approach to teaching. She can suggest alternative positions when necessary and she continues to offer online and in-person classes, which is perfect for me. You always feel good mentally and physically after participating in one of Tonja's classes!"

Gerard, IRL

"Kundalini Yoga was recommended to me by a friend after I mentioned I would like to learn a bit about meditation. I felt a bit apprehensive as I'm male and Irish (we are not known for our yoga prowess). But my fears were dispelled when I entered the studio and was warmly greeted by our teacher Tonja and I felt completely at ease. There were 3 ladies and me and we all had some nice herbal tea and a good chat before starting. I had no idea what to expect or do but with the help of Tonja's clear instructions and easy-going style of teaching, I soon got into the swing of things. We did a series of movements and meditation using chanting and breath exercises ( I felt a bit foolish chanting at the start but believe when you get into it, you'll love it all the while listening to some great mantras. To sum up I can honestly say I didn't expect to feel as good as I did when the class was finished. I felt calm yet energized it was an amazing experience and fun. I'm regular now and love it. thanks Tonja."

Pauliina, Fin

"Kundalini yoga has brought a comprehensive and important part of recovery to my everyday life. The different exercises (Kriyas) have a strong effect on the nervous system, both through their physicality and relaxation. Tonja leads the classes calmly, but decisively, listening and encouraging the participants. For the first time, I have been able to exercise remotely and also catch the instructor's cheerful vibe behind the screen.  The different themes throughout the seasons create a familiar routine and I like to encourage everyone to give time for the mantras because their secrets will open up for you with time. The safety and comfort of Tonja's classes will make you stop and act for your own well-being"

Lindsay, AUS

"I began Kundalini Yoga classes with Tonja a few years ago with very little knowledge about this style of yoga. Tonja is so kind and patient with new students, explaining the different parts in clear way, including kriyas, meditations and mudras. Her flexibility with offering online and onsite classes has allowed me to continue a regular practice, when my schedule is irregular! I'm very grateful to Tonja for sharing her knowledge in such an accessible way. I particularly enjoy the "Wind Down Wednesday" combo classes with Annabelle & Tonja. I appreciate how two different styles (Kundalini and vinyasa) complement each other"

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Tonja Stiina Kaminen

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